What Temperature Should the Heat be on?

what temperature should heat be on

For top-quality HVAC services in La Grange, Illinois, contact JC Heating & Cooling, Inc. Call (708) 367-6720 and book your appointment today!

Illinois’s harsh winter can leave your home incredibly cold, making it difficult for your family to stay comfortable. However, setting your heater too high can skyrocket your energy bills, causing many homeowners to ask, “What temperature should the heat be on?” To answer this question and more, our team at JC Heating & Cooling, Inc. put together a few energy-saving tips to help you find the perfect winter setting for your heater. 

JC Heating & Cooling Inc. is La Grange, Illinois’s premier destination for professional HVAC repair, replacement, and maintenance services. If you need reliable furnace maintenance in La Grange, contact our team.

Seven Winter Energy-Savings Tips for La Grange Homeowners

Although setting your thermostat to 68 degrees will help you keep your energy bills affordable, you can lower your payments even further with a few energy-saving strategies. Use the following tips to reduce your monthly energy bills during winter.

1. Lower the Thermostat at Night

Lowering your home’s indoor temperature before going to sleep will help you save money throughout winter. In fact, SleepDoctor.com suggests that setting your thermostat between 60 and 67 degrees can improve your sleep and even benefit your health. Although these temperatures might seem a bit low for some, having thick blankets and warm pajamas will make them more tolerable and help you stay cozy all night long.

2. Reduce the Temperature While You’re Away

Many La Grange residents keep their homes at the same temperature while they’re working, running errands, or on vacation. However, you don’t need to heat your residence if no one is there. Lowering the thermostat while you’re away can save you hundreds over time while dramatically reducing your heater’s workload. 

Experts suggest setting the thermostat between 58 and 62 degrees before leaving your home for long periods. This reduces thermal transfer without leaving your home unbearably cold. It also won’t stress your heating system once you raise the temperature, maintaining its performance and overall quality.

3. Avoid Shutting Your Heater Off

Many homeowners believe shutting off their heaters during overnight trips or vacations will save them money on their upcoming energy payments. Although turning off your heater will conserve energy, it will leave your piping system vulnerable to burst pipes and other serious plumbing issues.

Pipes must maintain a relatively warm temperature to prevent bursting during winter. Freezing temperatures cause water inside the pipes to freeze and expand, breaking the pipe’s structure. This can cause extensive property damage while jeopardizing your entire plumbing system.

Setting the thermostat between 58 and 62 degrees will keep your pipes warm while limiting thermal transfer, keeping your energy bills affordable.

4. Upgrade Your Furnace

Most residential furnaces lose efficiency over time and last between 15 and 30 years before requiring a replacement. Upgrading your home with a new and improved furnace will help you maintain a comfortable indoor temperature while lowering your monthly energy bills. 

Most modern furnaces are more energy-efficient than older models and supply warm, comfortable air without demanding as much energy. An HVAC specialist will assess your home and help you find the best furnace for your needs and budget.

5. Purchase Flannel Blankets and Warm Pajamas

Equipping your bed with flannel blankets is a cost-effective way to stay comfortable during winter without cranking up your home’s heater. Flannel is incredibly warm and provides impeccable insulation while you sleep despite the chilly winter temperatures. Pairing flannel sheets and blankets with warm pajamas will further improve your comfort and energy savings.

6. Change Your Furnace’s Filter Regularly

Although many homeowners regularly change their air conditioner’s filters, few do the same with their furnaces. Furnaces also have filters that catch airborne pollutants and help them operate at their highest efficiency levels. Dirty filters can drastically reduce your furnace’s performance, putting unnecessary stress on the system while making it difficult to maintain a comfortable indoor climate.

Changing your furnace’s filter every month or so (depending on the model) will ensure it operates optimally while improving your home’s indoor air quality. It will also minimize indoor dust, helping you keep a clean and appealing interior.

7. Seal Thermal Escapes

Thermal escapes are areas that allow heat to flow out of your home while allowing cold air in. Common thermal escapes include:

  • Doorways
  • Windows
  • Exterior walls
  • Basements
  • Attics
  • Chimneys
  • Residential foundations

Sealing holes and cracks around these features will limit thermal loss and help your home stay warm and cozy. Replacing worn weather stripping and caulking will also prevent heat from escaping outdoors, saving you money while improving your home’s interior comfort.

Contact JC Heating & Cooling, Inc. for Exceptional Furnace Repair and Maintenance Services in La Grange, Illinois

Next time you ask yourself, “What temperature should the heat be on?” contact JC Heating & Cooling, Inc. Our team will explain the best temperature to set your thermostat in winter to keep your home cozy and your energy bills affordable. Whether you need to replace your HVAC unit or want to know what causes a furnace circuit board to burn, we are always here to help.

Give us a call at (708) 367-6720 and see what our heating and cooling experts can do for you in La Grange, Illinois, today!