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Heating Repair in Hinsdale

#1 for Heating Repair in Hinsdale, IL With Over 250 5-Star Reviews

Imagine a Hinsdale, IL, January afternoon. Snow has fallen all day, and you had to dig your car out of five inches of snow just to commute home. Although you crank the heat up instantly in the car, it can’t compare to a toasty home filled with warm comforters and hot tea.

The only problem is you never got around to fixing your furnace.

Don’t let this hypothetical situation become your reality. When the temperatures dip to 17 degrees, and you want to turn the thermostat up to a cozy 70, make sure you can by calling JC Heating & Cooling, Inc. today. We’ll perform our guaranteed five-star furnace repair that has new and returning customers trusting us time and time again.

Furnace Repair

When Should I Call In for a Furnace Repair?

Knowing the signs of questionable output from your furnace is key to understanding when to call us. Overlooking these signs will have you coming home to an indoor climate that matches outdoor discomforts. It’ll also have you paying more for repair costs, and neglect will lead to more frequent unit replacements.

Below we review the main symptoms of a sick furnace to look out for.

Inaccurate Indoor Climate

Dealing with frosty indoor temperatures doesn’t always indicate a broken heater. Sometimes, specific rooms or certain corners of a given room will not blend in with the overall temperature of the rest of your home. Cold spots, although sometimes originating from a drafty window or a lengthy distance from the heat source, may also indicate an HVAC issue.

However, cold pockets aren’t the only temperature complaint we hear. Some Hinsdale residents force themselves to put up with poor airflow or incorrect temperatures by constantly cranking up the thermostat. Others notice short cycling where the unit turns on and off frequently, creating inconsistent temperatures around the home.

When left like this for long periods, your furnace will eventually respond negatively to cold temperatures by refusing to turn on entirely. It could also result in a heater that supplies cold air for your living quarters. If this occurs, you’ll have no choice but to call for furnace repair to protect your family’s health and well-being.

Unusual Noises

While the temperature problems above serve as the largest reason many Hinsdale residents call for heater servicing, don’t overlook other minor discomforts that may point to something more sinister.

Loud and unusual noises are more than a mild annoyance. They indicate one or more broken or worn parts or reveal your system is on its last leg. However, not all sounds you hear should be a reason to pick up the phone.

Every unit makes a clicking or popping sound as the ignitor fires up. Afterward, your system will settle into a slight hum as it continues to run, and you may hear a temporary rattling as it turns off and cools down. If the rattling becomes a more permanent sound, or you begin hearing louder banging or scraping sounds, it may mean a loose part is smashing into or sliding against another part.

However, a whistling or hissing noise means the unit is overheating and, if left alone, will cause the entire system to deteriorate. Residents usually alleviate this concern by clearing debris out of the ducts and washing the filters free of trapped pollutants. If air restriction isn’t causing your system to work harder, a broken fan belt or loose blower motor bearings will require a furnace repair.

A Horrid Stench

Unfortunately, more gets stuck between the mechanics of your heater than dust and other pollutants. If you live in an area with a lot of humidity or moisture in the air, the unit collects and condenses it in the drain pan.

Neglecting to drain the dirty water gives life to bacterial growth. It’ll circulate in the furnace and blow into your household rooms when you use it, proving hazardous to your loved ones. Prevent this by emptying your drain pan and replacing your filters each season.

Mold and mildew also find their way into your ductwork, especially if cracks and leaks in the frames usher in precipitation and messy rodents. While you can clean your ductwork as a DIY project, an expert team will use vacuums and compressed air tools for a thorough cleansing.

Other Notable Concerns

Higher utility bills from an old or worn unit working overtime to produce your desired temperatures.

You see no reading on your thermostat, meaning you can’t control your furnace from it. Try replacing your batteries. Otherwise, contact a professional to verify if you have a wiring problem.

A rotten egg stench with gas furnaces means a gas leak, so you should evacuate your house immediately and call the professionals for your safety.

What Are Some Common Types of Furnace Repairs?

A furnace repair includes an intricate process that requires the best in the business. Our team specializes in everything heater-related, delving into your system for the root cause of an issue and working swiftly to remedy it correctly. We list some common types of electric and gas furnace repairs we conduct regularly below.

Broken Ductwork

As air travels through your ducts, it slips through any available cracks and openings, causing your desired air to seep out of your home or into the walls. In turn, less quality air trickles into your rooms, making it difficult for your home to reach the set temperature. While your system functions with 100% efficiency, it will work longer to cool your Hinsdale home, spiking your electricity bills.

At JC Heating & Cooling, we’ll begin remedying the situation by cleaning debris out of the ducts. If necessary, we’ll wash them with soap and water before measuring and patching large holes with sheet metal and silicone caulk. We eradicate smaller holes, cracks, and split seams with duct-approved material like (UL) 181 foil-backed tape or Mastic Duct Sealant.

This process takes one to two visits, depending on the size and condition of your ducts. After this furnace repair, you’ll experience savings of up to 40% on your energy costs.

Yellow Pilot Light

If you have a flame that’s not a blue hue, the intake valve of the pilot light is not receiving enough oxygen. Incomplete combustion will produce carbon monoxide rather than carbon dioxide. Once this occurs, the air in your home becomes dangerous, and something as simple as striking a match can start a fire.

Call us immediately upon noticing this. Most of the time, a yellow pilot light indicates a restricted air intake valve. Something as simple as cleaning any rust or dirt will help the gas and oxygen mix well for a healthier blue flame. However, only trust a professional to do so.

Furnace Burners Not Igniting

Furnace burners are where the fuel and oxygen come together within a gas furnace to heat your home. Like with a pilot light’s intake valve, if the burners have debris and grime stuck to them, these elements won’t come together to burn. Therefore, your burners won’t light, even if your furnace is on. 

Other times, if your broken or battery-dying thermostat senses incorrect or no temperatures, it won’t signal your burners to ignite. Similarly, if you have a broken flame sensor, a faulty ignition system, or a pilot light that’s out, they won’t light the burners.

Since burners may not ignite for several reasons, call on us. Not only will we find the correct root cause, but we’ll have replacement parts ready in case your system needs more than a cleaning.

Other Common Heater Repairs

  • Faulty wiring repairs and thermostat replacements for furnaces that won’t stay on
  • Heat exchanger replacements due to dirty filters or pressure from overheating your home. You’ll notice cracks forming on the sides of the exchanger.
  • Limit switch repair if it constantly blows, even when the system if off
Furnace Repair

How To Get Next-Day Five-Star Heater Servicing Today

You can do plenty to keep your system in check. From changing your furnace’s filters every three months to calling in the experts for minor repairs, you’ll extend the life of your unit. 

However, nothing will prepare your furnace for the winter months like keeping up with bi-annual maintenance checks. These checks keep minor concerns from blindsiding you as a major issue later.

Even if nothing seems wrong with your system, ensure it’s ready when you need it without fault by trusting our five-star heater repair service. At JC Heating & Cooling, the number one furnace repair company in Hinsdale, IL, we offer top-notch products and five-star furnace repairs. Call 708-968-3131 for a “heater repair near me!”

FAQs Regarding Heating Repair

Have you had an inept technician install your ducts incorrectly or seal them improperly? Maybe your ducts were fine, but pesky rodents looking for shelter in your crawl spaces nibbled their way into the system. It’s also possible your ducts are reaching the end of their 15-year lifespan and can no longer handle the high air pressure.

Whatever the cause, broken, cracked, or split ductwork will drastically affect how you receive and pay for indoor air. Gaps in your ductwork will also get wider over time, and your system will eventually break down. Prevent this by calling on our team.

Your furnace’s pilot light must remain lit, even when your heater is off. This pilot light is responsible for igniting the gas that comes through the gas valve once your system turns on. If not lit, your furnace will proceed to move air from the furnace through your vents, but the air will be cold without the pilot light to heat it.

Restart your pilot light by turning off your furnace and placing your gas valve in the pilot position. If you have an automatic pilot light, press and hold the red button near the gas valve, and the flame should appear. To light a manual pilot light, hold a lit match or lighter over the opening and simultaneously press the red button on the system.

If you have hot or cold spots in your home and it’s not a problem with your ducts, you may have an insufficient system. Older systems between 15 and 20 years of age will have wear and tear from constantly creating and moving air around your house. However, you’ll also know if your system is too old and in need of an upgrade if you have:

  • Increasing utility bills that repairs don’t fix
  • Never-ending furnace repairs due to plenty of worn or broken parts
  • Unfinished repairs because manufacturers don’t produce parts for your system anymore

You may also need a replacement if your furnace is too large or small for the area it warms. Inadequately sized heaters cause short cycling that takes a toll on the mechanism and doesn’t heat your home uniformly before shutting down.